Astrology of Colors
Aquarius Color-Indigo Blue.Aquarius has two rules-the traditional and serious Saturn and the innovative, radical Uranus. The Saturn influence of Aquarius has indigo blue nuances, while the Uranus influence has more electric blue such. Both of these colors are associated with Divine wisdom and intuition, indigo blue brings more of the Saturnian wisdom-one of a deep serious thinker who has gained his wisdom by having passed life ;s vicissitudes while the electric blue thinker is intuitive and gets flashes of knowledge fully formed! But no matter which blue you will choose it will lead you to more serious, philosophical contemplation and the ability to see things from a ;higher ; viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction ...
Astrology of Colors
Capricorn Color. Black Color TherapyWhen you want to increase Capricorn energy in your life, you can introduce some dark colors or patterns in your immediate environment. The most beneficial way to do this is through wearing natural black stones like Onyx and Obsidian or having clothes with repeating patterns and darker hues. This will increase your sense of responsibility, ability to persevere and carry on despite all difficulties. If you or loved one are too capricious, lazy, not very dutiful and prefer to take the easy way out, then you need Capricorn energy to encourage some backbone, work ethics and toughness in you. Capricorn is the sign of work and responsibilities(not the most fun things, but some of the most important ...
Astrology of Colors
Sagittarius Color. Orange Color TherapyOrange is the color of Sagittarius. Wearing it or incorporating it in your life will increase the Sagittarius qualities in a person. Sagittarius is one of the fire signs which increases excitement, enthusiam and the fun of life, so if you are short on these, bring in some orange into your life by eating natural orange foods like oranges, papayas, carrots, peppers etc or dressing in orange. If your child or loved ones are not particularly excited about gaining new knowledge, expanding their mind or exploring the world around them, then Sagittarius is the energy they need, because Sagittarius is the sign which gives enthusiam for all these activities which come from keen interest in understanding ...
Astrology of Colors
Scorpio Color. Burgundy/Brown Color TherapyScorpio is the most difficult and most power sign at the same time! It rules all emotional traumas, abuse and psychologicalal pain but also it gives the strength to let go and heal from these. Scorpio rules the big phobias, fears, addictions, obsessions and compulsions which hold us paralyzed. But Scorpio is also the inner strength which comes after one has encountered their inner demons and biggest fears and overcome these. So if you are in the middle of a big inner battle like stopping an addiction, battling fears and deep psychological states which are disturbing then incorporating Scorpio colors like browns and dark reds will help you heal faster. Eating natural burgundy foods like cherries ...
Astrology of Colors
Libra Color. Green Color TherapyAncient seers ascribed the green color to Libra. The most soothing and balanced color! How appropriate! Green is a exactly in the middle of the natural rainbow gamut between the cold and the warm colors. Green is a balancer, just like Libra divides the 12 signs in two-southern and northern hemispheres. So what will wearing, watching or surrounding ourselves with the nuances of green create? Well Libra qualities: it will help you rebalance your state, sooth extremes like overeating, eating unhealthy, over-drinking, not being able to relax and appreciate rest and peace, waisting sexual energy, etc . All these extremes are due to a weak or afflicted Venus in the horoscope-it shows how we comfort ...
Astrology of Colors
Virgo Color. Opal Color TherapyWhat is scintillating color? Well it is actually caused by, shimmering, light reflecting surfaces, like some crystals, pearls or to put it in modern terms like a disco ball! One would think that Leo was the King of bling! But the Virgo bling is more delicate and pearly which reflects the purity of Virgo. If you surround your self in such environment you will surely stimulate the energy of Virgo in your life and particularly of your Mercury, because Virgo energizes the planet Mercury. Mercury rules the rational mind, so if you find your self getting sluggish with calculations, wit, repartee, analytical skills and especially if you miss details a lot then you need some opalesque decoration in ...
Astrology of Colors
Leo Color. Yellow Color TherapyYellow/Gold is the color of Leo. How appropriate! Wearing yellow will increase the Sun qualities in a person. The Sun is our vitality and immune system, so if you find your self anemic, easily tired, catching many colds or lacking sparkle and joy in life, then integrate gold or yellow in your life. You can do this by wearing such accessories, painting a wall in your living room in yellow hues, or having your screen saver in gold. The sun also rules one ;s self esteem and confidence. If you are feeling dejected about your abilities to make it or pursue your goals in life, if you think everyone else is better than you and fear that you will amount to nothing, if you cannot seem to find strength ...
Astrology of Colors
Cancer Color. Pink/ Purple Color TherapyCancer calms and sooths the planet which rules it: Moon Cancer helps manifest the best qualities of the planet which is exalted there: Jupiter Cancer diminishes and depletes the power of the planet which is debilitated in Cancer: Mars Let us see how you can use this! The Moon rules Cancer, hence the color pink/purple of Cancer will have a calming effect on the Moonâmeaning on our feelings and emotional states. Hence people who fall easily in emotionally discordant states like, anger, stress, sadness, depression or anxiety will benefit a lot from having a few pink/purple flowers in the office or living room or even paint a room or wall with these soothing hues. Actually it would be a good ...
Astrology of Colors
Gemini Colors: Turquoise and Sky Blue. Color Therapy with BlueSky Blue and Turquoise are the colors of Gemini and they sooths and calm the planet which rules Gemini-Mercury. Mercury is the mind of a person. The lower mind which deals with practical matters, managing daily affairs, business matters, rationalizing, analyzing, combining, comparing, planning. So whenever you feel as if any of these functions has become too imbalanced, overpowering or stimulating, all you need to do is go out in nature and sit and watch the blue sky or sea if there is one close to you for 10-15 minutes. When your mind is too active and you cannot relax or fall asleep at night, you are worrying a lot about details, or constantly thinking an obsessive thought on a loop like ...
Astrology of Colors
Taurus Color. White Color TherapyEach sign: Sooths and calms down its ruling planet. (Venus for Taurus) Brings the best qualities out of its exaltation planet. (Moon for Taurus) You will not be surprised to hear that the ancient seers gave Taurus the color white, of course Taurus is known as the most peaceful, uncomplicated and relaxed sign of all and white really suits it. Many people with strong planets in Taurus like Sun or Ascendant but especially Venus or Moon, give off a very calming and soothing energy. The planet Venus rules Taurus which means that the color white of Taurus will be very soothing for an inflamed Venus: An overstimulated planet Venus in a horoscope usually manifests as too many sensual desires and strong ...
Astrology of Colors
Aries Color. Red Color TherapyIf you feel you or your child lack some qualities of character corresponding to one of the 12 zodiac signs, you can actually surround or dress your self with the corresponding color and have this quality increase over time. You can wear jewellery with this color, place objects/furniture around with the same, paint your walls with such hue, or even do your computer screen saver or background in the relevant color. Aries: Red No surprises here! First let us break down the sign astrologically for those of you who are trying to learn astrology more in depth: Each sign energizes, excites its mulatricona ruling planet(bad and good things). Sooths and calms down its ruling planet. Brings the best qualities ...