Astrology Techniques
Levels of Consciousness and Astrology and How to Figure Your VibrationLevels of Consciousness and Astrology and How to Figure Your Vibration The same Transits affect us differently depending on the vibrational level we are at. For example a Pluto transit when in overall low vibrational state can be a nightmarish experience, meeting with the shadow side of life, one’s biggest fears, the darker and dangerous (people in the 100s level of consciousness) in extreme cases if someone is aligned to abusive/victim states, Pluto transit can be a life threatening or even demonic possession.(below 100s vibration). Thankfully very few people are in such levels of consciousness permanently. For normal people (200s vibration) Pluto will be more of an emotional experience which ...
Astrology Techniques
12 Faces of the Zodiac SignsYou surely know your sun sign, but do you know what makes each sign the way it is and gives it its qualities? Each zodiac sign contains the other 11 signs within it, affecting different areas of life. Those 11 signs give it the specific nature: For example why is Aries so tough when it comes to crisis situations and can deal so well with such? Because Scorpio-the most bad ass sign, falls in Aries' 8th house which shows how one deals with traumas, crisis and big reversals! Or why do Aries typically attract partners that follow them, make way more compromises and are way more suave? Because Libra-the most cooperative and agreeable sign, falls in Aries' 7th house of Relationships! Or why Taurus ...
Astrology Techniques
The Astrological AgesThe Golden Age of LEO: The Age of Leo was from 10 000 till 8 000 years BC. This was when individuality started appearing for the first time. Humans gradually started to think as separate beings with unique qualities. The desire to lead and organise the primitive social structures and have superior power over others, brought on the horizon the first kinds/priests/rulers/shamans of human origin(it is believes that humanity was led by more advanced mentors/creators). All these qualities of individuality, superiority and leadership are a common feature for people with Leo in their horoscope nowadays. This was said to be a Golden Age for humanity, because the consciousness of connection with God ...
Astrology Techniques
Moving Homes with AstrologyRight, I just walked in though the door of my new home! Then my astrology mad mind said-“Hey, let’s find out what it’ll be like living here!” I excitedly but nervously typed into the astro software the exact moment of my entry: June 5th 15:37, Purley, London This is the birth of a new chapter for me, so the Horoscope of this moment will show what life will be like in my first ever place! Yikes, what if the stars are inauspicious! I hesitate…but my curiosity takes over! A sign of relief….Jupiter is bang on MC (midheaven)-the highest and most visible point in the horoscope! Ancient astrology books say that as long as you have Jupiter on the Ascendant or MC at the moment of a start ...
Astrology Techniques
Best Places to Live or Holiday according to AstrologyDo you know that each city and country has its own horoscope and zodiac sign. Some countries have more than one zodiac signs and horoscopes: and ancient one and an newer one based on new political developments there like change of constitution, change of boundaries, etc Once you know what sign each country or city is, you can check which place is best for you to live in for different purposes. It is very easy to do this. First go to my birth chart calculator, enter your details and once the chart appears, scroll down to see a table from which you can check all your planets and what signs they are in. Lists of Cities, States and Countries and their signs are included at the end of the article ...
Astrology Techniques
Planetary Influences and SymbolsThe symbols which ancient mystery schools have given to the planets are deeply meaningful. They say that each planet is connected to beings with different consciousness. These being are in a spiritual realm, not physical because only the Earth has psychically incarnated souls. These other beings connected to the the different planetary realms are streaming their spiritual influences to us, in accordance with the level of their consciousness, via the respective physical planet. First of all there are three basic symbols used to describe the 3 most important points of the horoscope: the Sun, Moon and Ascendant(Earth). The circle, which indicates Sun is the universal symbol of Spirit-the most ...
Astrology Techniques
Astrological Ages or an Occult Look at Human EvolutionIn all the ancient cultures, the story is the same: their mythology says that, long ago humans had great civilizations, they were mighty, wise, spiritual and communicated with the Gods. They were multidimensional beings and knew the secrets of matter, energy, time and the higher dimensions. This morally evolved, spiritually aware and materially advanced humanity lasted for many thousands of years but it all started going downhill at about 12-11 000 BC after a series of immense cataclysms, starting with a huge flood and the sinking of big land masses(Atlantis?). Slowly humans started loosing their Higher consciousness and hence their moral strength, intelligence and spiritual connection to Source ...
Astrology Techniques
The Hidden Astrology LoreIf your mind is more scientific and skeptical then just take the following article as an ancient legend or an interesting story, but for the more mystically inclined of you, I will reveal what is considered esoteric lore of high order, given only to the esoteric student of ancient and present mystery schools. Whether you believe it or not is left to your own intuition to judge. This is the lore coming from the myths of Sabaism: the culture of the stars worshippers: the Ancient Chaldeans to whom Master Saabei brought the knowledge of astrology dating back to the great cultures of pre-diluvian times- when the face of the Earth looked very different. Long ago our Solar system was created perfect: ...
Astrology Techniques
Two Zodiacs? Which Sign Are You Really?Many of my clients come to me baffled with requests to tell them their Moon or Sun signs because they say:" I went to this astrology website and it gave me completely different signs than the ones I have known all my life(or the ones is showing me)". This is so because here are two zodiacs: one is the seasonal-or tropical zodiac which we use here in the west, and the other is the Siderial or star based zodiac which is used mostly in the east or by Vedic astrologers. The tropical zodiac is actually based on the Earth in relation to our Sun, so it follows the seasons the changes which the Earth encounters around its journey on the ecliptic around the Sun. It is a localized zodiac--one ...
Astrology Techniques
Astrology of Travel and RelocationWe already know that the planets and their relative positions to the place of birth of a person have a direct influence on his character, appearance, moods, decisions and life choices. But what happens when one relocated far from the native place? Of course he still will carry the same talents or unresolved issues but by changing the primary planetary energies, he can either worsen his current problems, relieve them considerably or invite the most beneficial influences for certain acheivements. What relocational astrology does is present you with a map of the whole world that points the places where your natal planetary positions will be most influencial. For instance, everyone has the planet ...
Astrology Techniques
Deliberate Travelling with AstrologyFind out how astrology can help you plan your holidays and locate the most appropriate places to live. I travel a lot for pleasure and as I am sure most of you who do too, can say the same: some places you love from the start, others you dislike even if they are prettiest of all. Interestingly, astrology explains this strange phenomenon as well! (is there something astrology can not explain!) It all becomes crystal clear with this branch of the starry lore called AstroCartoGraphy-it is effective as a clockwork! It is basically a projection of your own horoscope onto the globe of the planet. This map shows in which coordinates of the world the different planets of your birth chart will be most ...