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Family Karma and How to See it!
Karmic Astrology
Family Karma and How to See it!The 14 People that determine your FATE in Health, Love and Worldly Success.  What affects your HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS and CAREER, in this life time the MOST?! For sure your past life karma has a lot to do with it, but according to esoteric knowledge and astrology, it is your grandparents that determine the larger karma of your current health and marriage / relationships and the great grandparents and your parents the career.  Healers and spiritual teacher say that we are inheriting and healing or worsening the karma of our ancestors, and this shows so clearly in the Natal astrology chart.  The 1st house which rules the health, path in life and appearance is also the derived house of ...
Karmic Astrology
Are you a Fate or Free Will Person? Find out from Your Horoscope!Presenting an interesting and eye opening astrology technique explained by Australian Evolutionary astrologer Kesenya. For a personal reading, check her profile: Feeling like you have no control over your own life? Like all the well intentioned law of attraction quotes sprinkled around your home, never seem to actually work in real life? Or perhaps you are someone who is tired of hearing people tell you “leave it to fate” or “go with the flow” – you’d never get anywhere in life if you did that! You are a walking incarnation of “if you believe it, you can become it!” and “the world is my oyster” instead! What if I told you that ...
Are you a Fate or Free Will Person? Find out from Your Horoscope!
Black Moon Lilith In the 12 Signs
Karmic Astrology
Black Moon Lilith In the 12 SignsOlga's insightful take on the position of Lilith in your personal horoscope. To have a person consultation with Olga, click here (order 20 minutes with Olga and get 10 free) : The position of the Black Moon in a birth chart shows the dark side of one’s personality, a side that exists in every person, even if each one manifests it with her own nuances. This is the side of a personality that will inevitably lead the person to her downfall if she feeds it and indulges in it. It contains the temptations lurking at a deep level in our subconscious, as well as our attraction for reprehensible actions, on a moral as well as on an ethically level, all of ...
Karmic Astrology
Your Past Life Relationship KarmaWhat's your past life relationship karma this time around? Your Saturn is the answer. Saturn is restrictions, pain and complexes that lead to us feeling inadequate in certain areas of life, depending on where one has it in his or her chart, but it is also the planet of long-term commitment. According to Astrology and past life regressions, Saturn is the most karmic planet and in this life, we pay for the mistakes we made in a past life. Mistakes due to ignorance, and lack of power or understanding. In this lifetime, your Saturn will teach you lessons, and repeat until you get it right! I was going through my emails and saw this one, a lady was questioning staying in her marriage. '' Dear Lada ...
Your Past Life Relationship Karma
5 Astrology Indications for Karmic Relationships
Karmic Astrology
5 Astrology Indications for Karmic RelationshipsIn this article I will demonstrate the 5 most common indications for soul mate problems and the ultimate lessons of such relationships. The personal planets of one partner, conjunct the South Node of the other. The personal planets in one’s horoscope are: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ascendant lord and the Ascendant. If one of these points is conjunct the other partner’s South Node within 7-8 degrees, this is an indication that these 2 people have been in an important relationship in a past life, which the lessons of which have not been completed, and in this life time the 2 people meet again to finish what they started before and to let go of the attachment. There is often a feeling ...
Karmic Astrology
Find Your Past Life. The TRUE Karmic AstrologyIf so, do you know that you can learn a lot about your most relevant (for the present incarnation) past life from your Moon house and sign! When people were regressed, then consistently spoke about experiences from past incarnation(s) which fit their Moon sign and the South node of the Moon(Ketu)You can check the meaning of both sign and house for your Moon. For Ketu just check the house position. ARIES or First House(Ketu/Moon): Past lives in which your soul was a loner-warrior, soldier, knight, viking, herdsman, hunter, someone who spent most of the time acquiring strength, courage, physical prowess, initiative, directness, impulsiveness. All these qualities you bring as gifts in this life ...
Find Your Past Life. The TRUE Karmic Astrology
South Node in The Horoscope
Karmic Astrology
South Node in The HoroscopeMost astrologers know that the South Node indicates the past lives of the native. One of its Vedic symbols is the flag, which means something which has already been conquered and feels familiar. But in Ancient Astrology the South node is regarded as more difficult than Saturn even! Ketu has a strong association with 12th house because they both are connected to the past lives of the native. Ketu's transits(which also cause the eclipses) can trigger separations, losses, detachment, disconnection, confusion, amathy and a sense of emptiness which nothing material can fill in! This is very similar to 12th house experiences. But the good outcome of Ketu periods can very liberating! Like letting go ...
Karmic Astrology
Astrology of Past LivesLast Monday I got a present from my best friend: a full past life regression! I always wanted to do it and check if what I see will correspond to the indications in my birth chart. I actually already had had a spontaneous past life remembering when I was 10 and lost consciousness. When I came about, I asked my friends how long I had been out, and was stunned to hear that it was only 2 seconds, because in my mind I was away for years-I went through a whole life in France-it kind of rolled in front of me with details and I knew it was me, even though I looked very different-a 17th century rich and pampered girl. I thought it must have been a very vivid dream and forgot all about it until now ...
Astrology of Past Lives