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How to Find your Passion in Life and Recreate your Career
Career Astrology
How to Find your Passion in Life and Recreate your CareerI love how powerful and enlightening astrology can be in regards to big life and philosophical questions. Looking at derivative houses in astrology you can see what can support, destroy or recreated different areas of your life. For example: social status and influence. It is represented by the 10th house in the horoscope. According to ancient vedic rules, the 6th sign ( using whole sign house system) from any house represents its enemy(something that challenges and undermines the relevant life area), while the 8th house is what destroys and recreates it anew, totally transforms it.  So looking at one’s social status, when one wants to change it: say you are stuck in a lower social status ...
Career Astrology
What to be an Inspiring Leader? Astrology has the answer to this! According to the rules of ancient astrology, only the Sun is the planet of true leadership.  What does the Sun do? It gives abundantly to everyone! It goes first, It shines its light without a care who will see it! This is what a true leader is: someone who has a vision, inspiration, a great passion for something and just does it, shines his/ her light for everyone. Does not do it for recognition, approval, status, control or power over others. Does it because it would burn him/her from inside if he/ she doesn’t share and give away what lights them up! Many people nowadays reach leadership positions for the wrong reasons. To get others to do what they ...
What to be an Inspiring Leader?
Peaks and Lows in Your Career
Career Astrology
Peaks and Lows in Your Career This can happen when Saturn transits your Midheaven, 6th or 2nd houses(career/work/money houses). Many astrologers frown when they see this impending transit, predicting delays, setbacks or losses in your career/material success, but this is just half the story, and a shortsighted one at that! Saturn is the planet of Karmic Pay off-you get what you deserve-if you have been working both hard and smart for a long time, Saturn can bring substantial rewards. If you are doing a shoddy job, however, you will be held accountable. If your foundation in that vocation or social position is not firm enough, you will be asked to rebuild. I am having this transit now and I am rebuilding all my ...
Career Astrology
What You Can Make Money From. Astrology IndicationsVenus indicates money and material profitability. Checking the aspects of Venus with other planets will show you what is the best way for you to make money. Conjunctions to Venus are the most powerful indicators. Having Venus close within 8-9 degrees of a planet is preferable but even when Venus is in the same sign as a planet it makes this planet a money indicator. Trines (120 degrees) aspects to Venus will also show you areas of making money in an easy way--almost without effort. Sextiles(60 degrees) and oppositions (180 degrees) can also indicate areas of financial increase, but they requite more effort on your part. The opposition aspect will usually indicate partering with someone. The ...
What You Can Make Money From. Astrology Indications
Find Your Career According to the 27 Vedic Constellations
Career Astrology
Find Your Career According to the 27 Vedic ConstellationsCheck your Sun, Moon and Ascendant sign and see which one resonates or if there are repeating patterns. (to calculate your nakshatras (costellations) click on this link and see the name opposite your Sun/Moon/Ascendant: You will find your Constellation in the table as shown here: Career ASHWINI Nakshatra: Professions : Equestrian professions, Horse Trainers & Keepers and all those involved in Equine Jobs or Sports, Horse Racing Enthusiasts Gamblers, All types of Healing Professions, Physicians, Therapists, Chemists, Counsellors, Physiotherapists, Druggists & Surgeons, Those involved in Promotion & Motivational jobs & campaigns, Physical Arts like Dancing ...
Career Astrology
Find Your Soul Planet. Talents and VocationsToday I will show to how to find what planet your soul is associated with, the way the ancient Sanskrit astrologer did it. This technique is taken from the ancient text of Jaimini and it is of the easiest and most effective character measure system. For this you will need to calculate your birth chart on my birth chart calculator. Time of birth is not essential but preferable. Now check out which planet has the highest degree, from the table below. Only look at the degrees of the 7 visible planets: Su, Mo, Me, Ve, Ma, Ju, Sa. Ignore the Ascendant or Rahu and Ketu which are not real planet, just astronomical points in the horoscope. The planet with the highest degree is your soul planet! It is ...
Find Your Soul Planet. Talents and Vocations
Is Your Name Harmonious?Naming your Child/Business
Career Astrology
Is Your Name Harmonious?Naming your Child/BusinessThese are teaching from the Universal Master Beinsa Douno, given in his mystery school. This sacred knowledge has been lost and kept secret for thousand of years while the dark period of consciousness descended and humans lost contact with Divine Bliss and Truth, but it has been deemed that we are starting to awaken slowly, so He was allowed to dispatch this sacred knowledge for the future generations. Numerology is one of the ancient arts of the Firt Root Race when spiritually mighty and exalted souls were incarnating on earth and had the Ultimate knowledge given to them directly through seership and communion with the Higher dimensions and Divine principles that created the Universe. Let us ...