Pluto Aspects in Love and Synastry
Ever have a relationship that completely changed your life by bringing out a side of you that you never knew existed? Pluto wants to penetrate and transform, and when you have Pluto contacts in a relationship, this can lead to intense passionate times.
You will never be the same again! The person made you behave in ways you never thought possible, from emotional reactions, sexual attractions, and just out of the ordinary different! Chances are, there were Pluto aspects. If it is the moon it is emotions and vulnerability, the Sun, self esteem and expression and goals, the ascendant, the way you look at and approach life, and Venus, love and pleasure! I will leave out the other planets for now, as it becomes more intense with Saturn, Mars, Neptune and Uranus!
Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld and brings out the darkness and intensity in you and the way you behave in love. These relationships are kept alive by feeding off of power. From manipulation to sex, its a see-saw where the power is bounced back and forth. Pluto is the planet of total control, possession and domination. From intense desire, obsession, jealousy and acting completely out of the norm, something is triggered by one person and you are never the same again. When you line up to charts to check Pluto aspects, know that is someone has their moon near someone else's Pluto, sun, ascendant or Venus, the one with Pluto holds the power.
The other planets easily are influenced by the person with Pluto and can be changed overnight by the Pluto person. Also, Pluto sees the effect he or she has over the other, it becomes a game. Like a drug, chasing the highs, and feeling the lows. The person with Pluto will want to have total control over the other person's thoughts and actions and want to become the centre of the other person's world, because he gets so drunk on the power and the awe that comes from the other. Should the other person stop looking up to the Pluto person, this can trigger a powerful change in behaviour from the Pluto person as he or she starts to sense a loss of control, and starts to act in strange, obsessive and aggresive ways to regain control. The fear of the other not wanting them is so intense it literally takes over EVERYTHING, and it becomes an emotional addiction. It becomes a mental battleground that if not careful can turn into a full blown warzone. The person with Pluto knows instinctively how to push your buttons and what your psychological triggers are.
The person with Pluto triggers addictions and emotional highs and intensities if they meet someone who has a moon sun or ac that is close to their Pluto. What the Pluto person has in his or her favor is that Pluto is powerful psychic insight, like an x ray machine and can cut through crap and see IMMEDIATELY what the other person is about, and the person with the Pluto will know when the other person is lying or telling the truth! All of a sudden the relationship is a real life game of risk, where other people around you are wondering what happened to you and how you have allowed someone to become such an intense attachment in your life.
From sexual obsessions, to violent anger, things come out that we never knew existed when we meet someone who has Pluto close to our planets. This triggers a doorway where another person comes out who reacts on intense emotions, fears, and who has a ton of control over your emotions on a day to day basis. But this happens because it is to teach us about our darker shadow selves and how to cope with trauma and loss, and even our sides that we do not want to admit are there. If this is a healthy relationship, it can work wonders and the two people together can shed layers of unhealthy habits and ways of being and transform into a powerful couple that can have a balance within power and know how to build each other up without fear of losing the other. If this is unhealthy it results in massive jealousy, games, manipulation , drama, and erratic behaviours that bring big highs and lows. It is painful but these relationships can be very healing, if the person with the Pluto is highly evolved and uses the power and influence over the other for the greater good. This can work if the other person is ready to recognise their weaknesses are and work on them. On a lower level they will play games with you. Make sure you know the difference.
These relationships are karmic or unrequited love and the most life changing relationships that you will experience, and will leave a mark for the rest of your life. For all the times you said you would never be that girl or that guy, never say never! Men and women cannot be friends after these relatioships, as the emotions and experiences are too intense if the couple should one day meet again. Everything comes rushing back to the surface.
I once had a friend who was in the most unhealthy relationship where she really could not leave, she was angry with her mate all the time, nothing he ever did was good enough, and they would fight all the time! The sex was great, but they had completely blocked out the world, their friends and families and their lives revolved around each other. They were attached at the hip and would always fight! If he was mean to her she would threaten to leave, he would crumble. If he disappointed her he would say sorry and she could never let it go she would feed off his power and fear of losing her. If she did not answer her phone he became obsessed and jealous that she was having fun without him, and if he did not answer or respond to her liking she would say the sharpest things that would make him feel like dirt! This went on for three years! They even lived together, twice!Turned out she had her Pluto sitting on his moon!
This is taken from my 4 part Astrology Course that has over 50 videos!
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