Rahu is Ahriman, Sun is Christ
Rahu is Ahriman, Sun is Christ
Since ancient times, the north node of the Moon, was known as a shadow planet. In vedic astrology they even call it a demon who swallows the Sun- (the eclipses that north node causes).
Rahu was assigned a co-ruler to Aquarius, together with Saturn. We later discovered Uranus and saw connection to Aquarius too, but the original co-ruler of Aqua is the North Node - Rahu.
According to vedic astrology, it also rules electricity and all man made machines and devices running on electricity- tvs, laptops, anything SMART and of course now AI.
No wonder there, since Aquarius also rules all these things.
According to western esoteric tradition, Ahriman(a highly developed being of dark nature a.k.a anti-Christ) will be incarnated in human form at the start of the 3rd millennium, as part of an evolutionary challenge to humanity. That is the exactly now, exactly at the start of the age of Aquarius.
Are are told that Ahriman works and affects humans through the brain and nervous system, just like Lucifer works through the blood system, and Christ in the heart.
And of course the nervous system is an electric grid... the sphere of influence of Rahu.
Here we have the correlation: Rahu- Ahriman.
In all cultures the opponent of Ahriman/ Satan / AntiChrist is Christ / Horus/Ahuramzda/Vishva karman (the same being- Christ- The sun).
Just like the biggest Enemy of the Sun in vedic astrology is Rahu (because the node causes the eclipses), the same way the enemy of Christ is Ahriman (at least seen from 3D perspective).
The Christ is represented by the Sun and the sign Leo, while Ahriman, the AntiChrist is represented by Rahu/ Saturn and the sign Aquarius. Even in the sky, the two constellations are opposite each other- enemies, but also two sides of the same coin…(the Christ being and Ahriman started their evolution at the same time - hence many myths say how God created two top angles, there are even gnostic stories that Christ and Satan were brothers.) But for the purposes of evolution, contrast had to be created and the two beings of equal strength, took opposite directions: one creating life out of His essence, the other trying to oppose it.
One closest to the Light (Leo/ Christ) the other furthest from the Light (Aquarius/ Antichrist).
It is the battle between the Mind (Aquarius)and the Heart(Leo)
Currently we all live from the minds, but by the age of Leo (10 thousand years from now, the heart would have developed in such way that it becomes an organ we operate consciously, and will be used to generate fields of energy around every being and navigate the whole multiverse. That is when all humans will have Christ in them, and be able to do all Jesus did.
The age of Aquarius starts with the reign of all Ahrimanic things: AI, high technologies, super intelligence, super science,overstimulation of the mind and nervous system. All ramping up…
But it is part of the evolutionary path of the soul. It is as it should be. But many can’t handle this, and one of the most common issues we currently have is overloaded or sensitive nervous system- anxiety, stress, neurotic conditions, mental health issues, etc.
Currently in these Aquarian/Rahu/ Ahrimanic times, we are meant to develop our nervous system, the evolutionary impulse is trying to refine our nervous system and brain so it becomes sensitive enough to higher vibrations with the purpose to handle contact with the finer dimensions without frying our “electrical circuits”.
We know all EMFs as they are now, destabilize our nervous system and electrical signals in the body, so we need to find a way despite of that to strengthen it.
Cures can come both from Aquarius and Leo. Like we cure with the same or opposite. You can strengthen your nervous system with ice water showers (Aquarius) or with natural Sunlight (Leo)
Through mental exercises of concentration (Aquarius) or/ and by activating heart coherence impulses - meditation, singing, dancing, children who play do it, laughter, creative activities and falling in love (all Leo things): this again will calm, evolve and upgrade the nervous system.
One thing we need for the age of Aquarius and the imminent but short reign of Ahriman is a strong mind-heart connection, starting with the nervous system upgrade which can receive the impulses of the higher Hierarchies, coming through the human heart.
Rudolf Steiner, the esoteric master, said that Ahriman will come for sure but whether this will uplift humanity into higher state of consciousness or lower humanity into bio robots depends on us: if we will be able to recognize the trap with our hearts and clear minds.
Rahu is the dragon’s head, a point of temptation, strong desires and addiction, in vedic astrology, as we know all temptation starts in the head, addiction is mostly in the mind and the wiring of the nervous system and brain -the realm of Ahriman. So Ahriman usually pushes us to evolve through experiencing temptations, desires and addictions.
Christ and the heart / Sun energy can help us overcome this.
Now don’t go hating on Rahu or Aquarius, they are all Divine impulses needed for the Human evolution, irreplaceable part of the path, without these there would be no mind, no individuation and awareness that one is an independent, sovereign being, there would be no freedom and free will.
Hence Aquarius is the sign of freedom and individuality, not following the herd, but thinking for oneself. But in its extreme it become the fallen Angel who rebelled against God’s plan, or maybe from a 5D perspective, Aquarius is Prometheus who sacrificed himself to give knowledge and thinking to humanity. We are told that the regressive Ahrimanic beings made a sacrifice to leave the Light and go furthest away from it, so the polarity of lightness and darkness can be created for the purposes of contrast needed for human evolution.
But the ultimate Goal is to align one’s free will-mind (Aquarius) to God’s will-one’s heart (Leo)
and merge these two polarities into the crown of creation.
But since there are references to Aquarius, I don’t want people to feel offended. But these are the astrological correlations
since there are references to Aquarius, I don’t want any Aquarius to feel offended - i am an Aquarius myself . But these are the astrological correlations to show you the importance of the sign of Aquarius.
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