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Rahu is Ahriman, Sun is Christ
Spirituality and growth
Rahu is Ahriman, Sun is ChristRahu is Ahriman, Sun is Christ Since ancient times, the north node of the Moon, was known as a shadow planet. In vedic astrology they even call it a demon who swallows the Sun- (the eclipses that north node causes). Rahu was assigned a co-ruler to Aquarius, together with Saturn. We later discovered Uranus and saw connection to Aquarius too, but the original co-ruler of Aqua is the North Node - Rahu. According to vedic astrology, it also rules electricity and all man made machines and devices running on electricity- tvs, laptops, anything SMART and of course now AI. No wonder there, since Aquarius also rules all these things. According to western esoteric tradition, Ahriman(a highly developed ...
Spirituality and growth
Why Am I NOT Seeing Results?!To Contact Natalia for a personal Session: Why Aren’t You Getting Results? 
 Have you ever been to a workshop or meditation, where you hear something explained and you say to yourself: "Well, that's exactly what I have been looking for for so long. Now I know how to change!" Initially, after the course you are full of enthusiasm and you commit to applying 100% of what you have learned. However, you don’t always get the expected results and things just go back to where they were before. And you start asking yourself the questions: - Am I doing something wrong or what I am doing is just not enough? 
- Has the coach made everything ...
Why Am I NOT Seeing Results?!
11 Steps to More Happiness
Spirituality and growth
11 Steps to More HappinessWhat prevents us from being happy?  Article by Natalia Kobilkina For Private Sessions with Natalia: There is a very wide-spread myth about happiness that exists, but no one understands it is just a myth. People say: “I want to be happy, but the circumstances just do not permit it.” That is not true. People don’t want to be happy really. Working with hundreds of people every day, I have noticed how hard they try to keep themselves suffering and how they do whatever they can to make themselves feel bad. And if by any chance they begin to feel better, they cannot take it for too long, and soon go back to the level of suffering they are ...
Spirituality and growth
How to Successfully Loose Your ManHow to Successfully Lose Your Man? 
By Natalia Kobilkina There are so many articles on how to find your man, how to keep him in your life and seduce him. But why is it then that so many women lose their partners? 
Often, when I see at my workshops a beautiful, intelligent woman, who has been left by her partner, I ask her: what rules do you have to follow to lose your man? And you will see the answers below. While you are reading them, notice which of the things on this list you are doing at the moment and remember that if you have taken this path, you are heading for a break-up. Steps to follow if you want to lose the man in your life:
 1. Start making compromises with yourself ...
How to Successfully Loose Your Man
Who is the Divine Mother
Spirituality and growth
Who is the Divine MotherThis is an article taken from the website Visit that website to read all the thousands of channeled messages straight from Source! Mother Mary, March 23, 2008 My Beloved hearts, who is the Divine Mother? Who is the Divine Feminine? That is the question I endeavor to answer in this discourse. Yet, I run into the difficulty that unless you know a few things about yourself, how can you possibly understand who I AM? Thus, my beloved, I ask you to recognize that the essence of the spiritual path is that you transcend yourself, that you recognize that any aspect of your situation in this material universe is a reflection of your inner situation—because your consciousness is ...
Spirituality and growth
The Best Things to Do For Our Body and Health
The Best Things to Do For Our Body and Health
Wheel of Appreciation
Spirituality and growth
Wheel of Appreciation
Spirituality and growth
The White BrotherhoodWatch this short film about an ever growing Spiritual community that emobodies and lives the eternal and sacred harmonizing priniclpes of the Universe.
The White Brotherhood
Paneurhythmy:the Divine Dance of Harmony and Awakening
Spirituality and growth
Paneurhythmy:the Divine Dance of Harmony and Awakening
Spirituality and growth
Flouride Effect on the Body
Flouride Effect on the Body
Spirituality and growth
Spirituality and growth
Knowing Your Spiritual TeachersIf indeed there exists a band of wise and all-knowing teachers who stand ready to help people rise above all human limitations, why have most people grown up with no awareness of their existence? Why isn’t the existence of such teachers shouted from the housetops? In a sense the explanation for this has already been given, but let us revisit the important points. The spiritual teachers are Beings who have transcended the dualistic state of consciousness. They have done so by taking full responsibility for themselves and thus removing the beam of duality from their own vision. In thus coming to see clearly, they can see through all of the dualistic illusions, including those used by various ...
Knowing Your Spiritual Teachers
What Is the Best Education for Your Child
Spirituality and growth
What Is the Best Education for Your Child
Spirituality and growth
How To Get Life Energy Into You?All cultures have talked about prana in one way or another. In the early scientific circles it was known as ether, and in ancient time is was the 5th invisible but most critical element which allowed the other 4 to manifest. In the 20th century scientific circles thought that prana was electromagnetic waves, but eventually they have found out that actually it is exclusively made up of negatively changed small ions. Easiest way to get prana is through the food we ingest. But when measured it turned out that only raw and uncooked food has negatively charged ions in abundance, while thermally processed food had none, because the small negative ions immediately bind to the big positive ones when ...
How To Get Life Energy Into You?
Daily Miracles and Signs from Above
Spirituality and growth
Daily Miracles and Signs from AboveYesterday my friends and I were driving in the deep countryside of France, trying to find a bucolic restaurant. We had a GPS but somehow we got carried away laughing and must have missed the little lane. A few minutes later we realized we were lost because the Navigation System went blank. It was almost sunset, rainy and miserable, plus the little country side lanes started getting narrower and narrower. We didn't even remember what way we came from. We were lost! We stopped the car on a little crossroad and went out to look around. In that precise moment Nature became alive and made a spectacular show for us! The rain stopped all of a sudden, in the distance, the dark low clouds opened up enough ...
Spirituality and growth
Daily Miracles: the Angel and SaturnA few days ago I had my exact Saturn opposition natal Venus transit. For those of you who do not understand astrological lingo, this is a period when Saturn brings all the fears, sadness, negative thoughts and doubts connected to your self worth, love and relationships(Venus ruled things) It can go on for about a year, and you are forced to reassess your relationship commitments, how you approach love, who you let in and how you allow others to treat you. Needless to say this can be a painful process during which you can eliminate people from your life, unhealthy relationship patterns and sorrows can come up to the surface so you can confront them and deal with them. The last time Saturn hit ...
Daily Miracles: the Angel and Saturn
Is Your Name Harmonious?Naming your Child/Business
Spirituality and growth
Is Your Name Harmonious?Naming your Child/BusinessThese are teaching from the Universal Master Beinsa Douno, given in his mystery school. This sacred knowledge has been lost and kept secret for thousand of years while the dark period of consciousness descended and humans lost contact with Divine Bliss and Truth, but it has been deemed that we are starting to awaken slowly, so He was allowed to dispatch this sacred knowledge for the future generations. Numerology is one of the ancient arts of the Firt Root Race when spiritually mighty and exalted souls were incarnating on earth and had the Ultimate knowledge given to them directly through seership and communion with the Higher dimensions and Divine principles that created the Universe. Let us ...
Spirituality and growth
Temptation and Divine InterventionEvery one has one big physical temptation, which they struggle with, in life. It is a spiritual law—even a saint will have one major weakness which he will need to work on overcoming. Sex, overeating, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are some of the most common outer expressions of these weaknesses, which are usually rooted in more psychological such like dishonesty, pessimism, procrastination, selfishness, etc. If this weakness is very deeply seated from many past lives, one might need to spend as many as 4 incarnations working on uprooting it! For me it happens to be drinking. I loved it from the moment I first got tipsy at 17! I knew I have found a “friend” and a crutch for life right ...
Temptation and Divine Intervention
When are Prayers Answered?
Spirituality and growth
When are Prayers Answered?A lot of the New Age doctrines are trying to present us with a sugary and deluding ideas about spirituality and reality. It is common for them to say that whatever you ask God/the Universe/the Angels, if you believe, you will receive it. But there is a spiritual law which they forget or purposefully omit(many New Age movements and channeling’s are inspired by Luciferian beings, who are trying to mislead humanity). It says, that in order to receive, you have to give first something. You need to make a personal sacrifice.(not of the bloody type!) People who have miraculous healing through one prayer or pilgrimage to a holy relic, have not been granted this blessing just through this action ...
Spirituality and growth
Spiritual Rules for PregnancyEducation of the child starts during pregnancy. This is the period when the child’s form and the structure of its body are being built. It is of utmost importance what feelings, moods, thoughts and food the mother allows and uses during this period! These will affect the face and physical body of the future human which will be a reflection of his/her inner qualities of character. The Master Beinsa Douno says” through the foods she consumes(physical and mental) the mother defines the future of her child. During pregnancy, the mother should be in the most auspicious conditions: she needs to eat healthy, clean foods while in a positive mood. She should never eat late before bed. She needs ...
Spiritual Rules for Pregnancy
Divine Mother Healing
Spirituality and growth
Divine Mother HealingIt was past midnight and I awoke with a dull and persistent pain in my stomach and liver. I have been feeling it on and off for a few weeks, but this evening it was particularly bad. It was accompanied by a feeling of doom, self-pity and panic. Esoteric science says that the liver is the mood regulator as the biggest gland in the body: if it is in a good condition, you will feel happy and inspired, if in bad, you will be depressed and disconnected. I experienced this first hand, because ever since I started feeling this pain, I had been dealing also with anxiety issues and stress. Doctors found nothing, but I was not crazy. Anyway, when I started opening my eyes I already had the feeling of ...
Spirituality and growth
Which Tarot Card Are You?In this fun and insightful method you need to reduce your birthday data to a singular number. For example today is 23.05.2013 so a child born today will have a significator – 2+3+0+5+2+0+1+3 = 16 = 1+6 = 7 – The Chariot. If your Birthday is reduced to 1 – Significator – The Magician. Person with skills and someone who is highly valued in society. This person can reach results and manifest magically. There is no crisis he can not cope with. This type of person is very diplomatic and he has a lot of followers. People have deep respect toward his knowledge. This person always has a plan how to deal with current obstacles and he is someone who carefully measures his risks in way that the ...
Which Tarot Card Are You?
Twin Flames and Soul Mates. Occult View
Spirituality and growth
Twin Flames and Soul Mates. Occult ViewAccording to western and eastern occult traditions, souls are created in pairs. Once they start their long process of incarnations, they are separated. Each soul passes through 777 cardinal incarnations(the number is much higher with the non-cardinal ones) before it reaches super consciousness and merges with the Godhead/Logos again. During these 777 incarnations, only in 12, do two twin flames meet on Earth and live in a state of bliss! These are the most important incarnations of each soul, during which they have a very important mission to do and need the unconditional love and support of their twin flame here on earth to help them morally and physically. I have never known yet such a couple ...
Spirituality and growth
Occult MusicMusic appeared about 5000 years BC. The civilizations before that, like Atlantis and Lemuria, had no music like ours, only rhythms and beats. Music only became possible, when the higher feeling and thought centers in the brain of humans started developing, therefore music is a function of a more evolved consciousness. According to many spiritual teachers, the higher dimensions- the angelic and Divine realms, are the home of music, thus making music the most elevated of the arts. Many philosophers and spiritually awake people, talk about the Music of the Spheres, or even ordinary people who have had out of body travel or Near Death experiences, remember entering spheres of existence, where they ...
Occult Music
Alcohol. Occult Perspective
Spirituality and growth
Alcohol. Occult PerspectiveThis is an excerpt from a lecture from great occultist and philosopher Rudolf Steiner. It explains pretty much the role and meaning of Alcohol. “There were ages in the history of man when wine was not known. In the days of the Vedas it was practically unknown. In the ages when there was no drinking of alcohol, the idea of previous existences and of many lives was universally held; nobody doubted its truth. As soon as man began to drink wine, however, the knowledge of re-incarnation rapidly faded away, ultimately to disappear entirely from the consciousness of man. It existed only among the Initiates who took no alcohol. Alcohol has a peculiarly potent effect on the human organism, especially ...
Spirituality and growth
A Healing, Mystical PlaceSo far nothing unusual except the folk legends that the place is magical and can heal you and testimonies of such occurrences. I would not have given it much thought, but for the scientific research which was made there a few years ago. The electromagnetic field was measured just in the middle of the artificial rock alignment and it turned out that it was 8Hz-Schumann resonance-the most soothing, natural and healing vibration for the human body-which has been also measured in the Pyramids in Bosnia and Egypt. When the human body stays for a few minutes within this vibration, any dis-balance within it starts to disappear. The scientists tested low and high blood pressure which was equalized ...
A Healing, Mystical Place
The Truth About the Second Coming of Christ
Spirituality and growth
The Truth About the Second Coming of ChristSlava On the Second Coming of Christ and the meaning of Jesus’s coming to Earth. “Hear me. What I am about to tell you, you will find hard to accept. It is said in the Bible: “Christ will come again on Earth and everyone will bow to Him”. I prayed for years to be shown how this will happen, and God granted me this gift! But what a surprise! It was not what I expected! The Truth is totally different! Listen!: God’s Son is now the Logos-the Word. A Universal Spirit. He did not incarnate on Earth to be a scapegoat/redeemer! Cunning agents of untruths have been trying to show Him in this false light! He did not come to redeem anyone, but to sagaciously teach those who have “ears to hear ...
Spirituality and growth
Prophecy for the Future of HumanitySlava on the Future of Humanity “The shapes of the continents will not remain the same for long. The Earth’s crust, will change its form and the result will be Supreme Trials for Humanity. Some of our children will overcome these. The balance between our world and the spiritual world has been disrupted, with millions and billions of people being on this side. We are overcrowded. To restore the balance, million and billions will pass in the spiritual world-quickly and in groups. These are the end times, I am being shown. Last because, too many people live on the Earth now, there are very few souls left in the beyond world. More and more incarnate to clean the weeds in them. But this is ...
Prophecy for the Future of Humanity
The True Story of the Mona Lisa Through Psychic Investigation
Spirituality and growth
The True Story of the Mona Lisa Through Psychic InvestigationSlava lived in the last century-a humble folk woman, who could see the past and future as clear as day! She predicted the most important events like WW2, the fall of Communism, the end of the Cold war, the terror attack on the Twin towers, the European Union, many hundreds more. I am honoured to be the first person to ever translate her predictions into English. Slava on Da Vinci: “I see Leonardo. I see the painter on the day when he receives inspiration for the Mona Lisa. He is walking in a scenic mountainous area. It is summer. He is scrolling on a county path, winding through vineyards laden with ripe grapes. He sees an approaching villager with a cart piled high with freshly cut hay ...
Spirituality and growth
Hitler Through the Eyes of a ClairvoyantThis is another direct translation of the fascinating investigations and stories which Slava Sevriukova-a scientifically tested clairvoyant, gave us. Slava predicted with amazing accurancy and clear descriptions the 2nd world war, the fall of communism, the forming of the EU, the twin towers attack and much more! She was considered a saint even while alive and cured and healed thousands of people. Read what she had to say on Hitler.   "Hitler was Nero in his previous reincarnation.(this will explain his obsession with ancient roman culture and direct borrowing of symbolism from it) He had a powerful creative impulse then, but despite his high position in Rome he was not able to realize this ...
Hitler Through the Eyes of a Clairvoyant
Stalin's Karma
Spirituality and growth
Stalin's KarmaSlava was a Christian saint living in the 20th century. Her kindness and charity were legendary. Her impeccable predictions keep happening some of which included the Second World War, fall of the Sovient Union, the attack on the twin towars and the financial collapse. Here are her words in the karma of Stalin: "The Kremlin despot, stayed in the Other World only for a short period after his death. His primitive soul went through a shortened and uneasy stay in the Heavenly Realms. Heaven seems to reject him. His impure and rough spiritual essence, is rapidly attracted back to the Earthly Purgatory in order to incarnate in a new body. He has to pay back his dark karma through a harsh and painful ...
Spirituality and growth
Michelangelo's Art and Life Through the Eyes of a Clairvoyant"Michelangelo’s soul is every bit as astute and genius as Leonardo Da Vinci’s. He connected to Spiritual channels of Higher knowledge. His Art was brought down from Above and through Divine Inspiration. This makes him inimitable. I see that since he left the Earth, he has not been back in incarnation for the past 400 years. I see the sculptor in real life. He wakes up at the crack of dawn. He starts praying from the heart till he receives soul-shaking inspiration. It comes in waves! Only then, thrilled to his core, he throws him self into work. He has no time for sleep, rest of food…He labours as a Spartan. Success can be judged from the measure of deprivation we are willing to suffer ...
Michelangelo's Art and Life Through the Eyes of a Clairvoyant
Nostradamus Through the Eyes of a Clairvoyant
Spirituality and growth
Nostradamus Through the Eyes of a ClairvoyantSlava Sevriukova is 20 century prophet and saint who predicted some of the major events in the 20 and 21st century all of which keep happening. The twin tower attack, the fall of communism, the forming of EU, WW2, etc. Some of her major contributions were revealing little known facts from the lives of important Historical figures. Today I translate for you her words on Nostradamus. Slava Sevriukova: "I see him-he is attractive and well to do, from a noble family. He has a profound faith. He fasts and prays. His powerful belief emits light in his aura. He seeks to discern distant and forthcoming prospects on the horizon, through the core of his spiritual nature. He is interested in assisting ...
Spirituality and growth
Jesus Through the Eyes of a ClairvoyantThe 20th century prophet and Saint Slava Sevriukova retuned to the time of Christ with her unrivalled clairvoyance and this is what she saw. “I see the Son of God in His human incarnation on Earth. He is with a tunic. Slender and tall. He has warm brown eyes, brown hair almost reaching the shoulders and a beard with a little reddish hue. His hands are soft and delicate. Noble traits. He is charismatic and captivatingly beautiful. The exact word is magnetic! Once you lay your eye on him you can’t stop watching him even for a moment. I looked at him in detail. The two halves of his face were ideally symmetrical. No other human being is like that. The two sides of the human face are never completely ...
Jesus Through the Eyes of a Clairvoyant
How to Change Your Fate and Difficult Horoscope Indications
Spirituality and growth
How to Change Your Fate and Difficult Horoscope IndicationsI hear these sad stories every day, and sure enough, when I look at the charts of the clients they have a trashed significations for the given theme(unless it is someone who is having just a temporary blockage there). It is so hard to tell people this—sure they will have sometime an upward moment in those affairs, but on the whole, they will stay below the average minimum. It is their fate! But it is not so! Actually fate is 75%--so events are predetermined by 75%, which is a high number, but the magic nugget that can overturn the cart is the rest 25% of the so-called free will! I will tell you today how to use it in order to change your pre-destined settings. What is fate? Fate is the default ...
Spirituality and growth
How to Read OmensOmen reading is the process of finding meaning in the smallest events and interpreting it. If practiced regularly, one develops powerful awe towards Divine order and starts having communication with God/ the Living Universe. So it becomes not only a mind blowing predictive tool, but also an active spiritual practice, which enlivens everything around with the spark of Consciousness and brings meaning into your life. It is also so much fun to do! For example here is a story how it works. My teacher had a client call him about a love horoscope reading. Ernst did not even have to look at their horoscopes because at the moment the lady contacted him, he saw two dogs playing happily together. He predicted ...
How to Read Omens
Value Yourself and Other will Value You
Spirituality and growth
Value Yourself and Other will Value You The North Node, our Collective Destiny is still transiting the deep and transformative waters of Scorpio. The sign of TRUTH, going deep within and finding out our own truth so we can build from there and really live our Dream, not just dream about it and then live a life of self-deception. Neptune just went direct early last week and yes, the rosy glasses we liked to wear have been put back on the altar of human life. Now, you have a chance to see what is, not what you wish it could be…I have heard this saying: Life is not fair but just…You might say it is a little pessimistic though this could be a saying from Saturn, the Master Builder which would reply to you: "You say you want this ...
Spirituality and growth
Sun Gazing- Panacea for AllWe have all heard of adepts who nether drink nor eat anything but insist that they feed themselves with Solar Light only! Well these people are not in some ashram in Tibet, they are starting to appear everywhere. Even in my small town in Bulgaria I know such a person-and he is for real, no cheating. Meeting the first rays of the Sun in a conscious way, is widely practiced in Bulgaria due to the resurrection of this lost solar knowledge and its miraculous effect by the 20-ties century Master Beinsa Douno. I have come to know many friends and acquaintances who have benefit from Solar Gazing. The first was my father. He was on the edge of mental break down with disturbing psychological problems ...
Sun Gazing- Panacea for All
Your House Number and How it Affects You
Spirituality and growth
Your House Number and How it Affects YouIf you live in a place with several digits, just add these up and see what the last digit you get. For example: 187=1+8+7=16=1+6=7 1. You might feel lonely here, but this place will teach you how to be more independent and self reliant. Here you can really discover your individuality and uniqueness and come into your power. Be prepared to spend longer time on your own and learning about your strengths while living on a Number 1 address. You will start getting a lot of new ideas and your initiative will also improve. Your leadership and organisational abilities can blossom here. You will become more of a master to your fate over time. Number 1 homes bring brand new experiences; new ideas ...
Spirituality and growth
Earthing-Walk Barefoot to Heal Yourself!Earthing is the practice of staying barefoot on grass, earth, sand, dirt or concrete. Earthing means physical contact with the negative change of the surface of out planet that is made up of a virtually unlimited and unseen reservoir of free electrons. Maintaining contact with the ground, allows your body to naturally receive and become charged with influx of these electrons. And why is this all important? Electrons are the source of antioxidant power which take care of harmful free radicals in the body. (these things that cause cancer and a myriad of other diseases) The electrons from the ground serve to potently neutralize and quench the free radicals, that otherwise steal electrons from healthy ...
Earthing-Walk Barefoot to Heal Yourself!
Happiness Recipe
Spirituality and growth
Happiness RecipeEvery summer I used to spend 3 magical months with my grandparents in a forgotten, sleepy village in the Bulgarian mountains. The divine smell of herbs, the lulling sound of crickets, the simple, home grown and cooked meals, the hours spent climbing trees, swimming in the river, exploring caves, preparing winter conserves, the nights sleeping in the open and watching the stars while my grandmother sand, the hours toiling in the garden or learning to knit! Ah.... We did not even have a toilet in the house-it was so rudimentary...but I would substitute any luxury holiday for this! I can still smell my Grandmother's pastry made with cheese from our sheep and eggs from the hens! And those tomatoes--warm ...
Spirituality and growth
The Month Before Your BirthdayIn the 30 days preceding the birthday, one enters a strange and unusual frame of mind! Ambitions and goals, become weaker, the drive for success is ousted by a desire to relax, get away, sleep longer, day dream or just stay on one’s own. This is a normal cosmic biorhythm, which everyone goes through and those who are more self observant or sensitive are sure to have noticed this. This is so because a month before the Sun comes back to the same position it had, when you were born, you are entering a period of completion, of ending of a yearly cycle, of withdrawal of energy. It is your personal “end of year”, and after your birthday the Sun energizes you to start with new projects again ...
The Month Before Your Birthday
Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children
Spirituality and growth
Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children The indigo souls are under the influence of Uranus. They have it vey strong in the chart and manifest Uranus energy purely. They, just like Uranus, are mould breakers. They are the rebels who will change the old system and bring in new knowledge and moral science-truth seekers who are here to nail dishonesty and injustice! They can be hyper active and behave disruptively especially when in very strict or rigid school or work environment. They can often be labeled ADD, as their mind processes information much faster and they loose interest. They love and understand science, science fiction, technology. Electrical appliances can disfunction around them, due to their highly charged energy field ...
Spirituality and growth
Happiness and NutritionDid you know that the stomach produces 90% of the happiness hormone-Serotonine, while the brain produces just 10%. Serotonine is the hormone which soothes us, makes us feel secure and calm, content, gives a feeling of warmth and joy inside, calms our fears, paranoias, etc. It is not so much the brain, as we used to think, but the gut which controls the production of this hormone. And you all know that if you feel scared, worried, stressed, panicky-you first feel it in the stomach! What this implies is that depressions and other psychological conditions(obsessions, addictions phobias, paranoias, sadness) can be regulated through the healthy functioning of the stomach. WIth the right foods and ...
Happiness and Nutrition
Difficult Fate Versus Easy One
Spirituality and growth
Difficult Fate Versus Easy OneSaying u have a bad chart is like saying u r a bad and undeserving person. Everyone is as important and deserving as the smallest fly. God has the same love for every soul, just some souls are more advanced and fearless so they choose to incarnate with more challenging fates(as seen in the horoscope) so they can move to faster awareness to God. Or some souls need awakening to the higher reality and divine love while in body, so they get a harsh shake up or difficult life to you humble them and turn them inwards when nothing outwards is working. This is the fastest way to return to inner happiness derived from intimate contact with the Divine love. Every painful experience, insult, failure, disease ...