Lada shares with you a very easy and quick compatibility technique which has proven to indicate the longest lasting and most meaningful relationships.
The Sun Ascendant or Moon of the one partner, should be in the same sign or opposite sign of any of the other partner's Sun, Moon or Ascendant.
The most often seen aspect looked to be the Sun of one in the same sign as the Ascendant or Moon of the other-this is like a soul mate connection which is hard to break!
But any of the following acts like a glue in the relationship and makes the couple stay together:
Sun of one in the same sign as the Sun of the other-1 point
Sun of one in the opposite sign from the Sun of the other-1 point
Sun of one in the same sign as the Moon of the other-1 point
Sun of one in the opposite sign as the Moon of the other-1 point
Sun of one in the same sign as the Ascendant of the other-1 point
Sun of one in the opposite sign from the Ascendant of the other-1 point
Moon of one in the same sign as the Moon of the other-1 point
Moon of one in the opposite sign from the Moon of the other-1 point
Moon of one in the same sign as the Ascendant of the other-1 pt
Moon of one in the opposite sign from the Ascendant of the other-1pt
Ascendant of one in the same sign as the Ascendant of the other-1pt
Ascendant of one in the opposite sign from the Ascendant of the other-1pt
Check of any of these-the more points you have, the most bonding the relationships.
In case you do not know the pairs of opposing signs:
To find out your Ascendant, Sun and Moon sign, fill in the birth chart calculator details(correct time of birth needed) and go to the planetary detail table to see the sign of the Asc, Su, Mo
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