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Webinar Pack

The perfect woman!

4 archetypes for 4 webinars


Price for one module - $99.00

Price for the whole program - $300.00,


Host: Natalia Kobylkina

10 Mins FREE Preview from the First Webinar - The Girl:


10 Mins FREE Preview from the Third Webinar - The Queen:

10 Mins FREE Preview from the Fourth Webinar - The Mother:

My beautiful girls, talking to you has made me realize that you often miss one, and sometimes even two archetypes; you often ask me "How can I develop the girl or the love within me? How do I keep this man in my life?" The answer is - with practice and knowledge!

The perfect woman is a woman who possesses the 4 archetypes and knows how to be different.

She is gentle and open to her loved one and that's why she makes him strong and successful; she is sexual and provocative in the sheets, she is successful at her job while being stable and caring as a wife and a mother.

The perfect women are always looked for and chosen by men. Those are the types of women that classy men are fighting for.

By nature we have 2 archetypes - the other 2 we have to develop ourselves.


That's why we will have a webinar for all 4 archetypes.

The girl - how to open up your heart and start to attract men, make them care for you and love you;

The lover - how to make him want you and do anything just to be with you;

The queen - how to develop yourself with success, with dignity and nobility;

The mother housewife - how to keep men and how to create a happy family;

In each webinar, we will do meditation and deal with practices for the corresponding archetype in order to unlock it within ourselves at a subconscious level.

We will do some strengthening exercises and we will have discussions. We will look over how you can use all the archetypes.

Why is it important to have all 4 archetypes within yourself?

Men expect everything from us - to be gentle and loving girls, to be beautiful and sexy lovers, to be independent and successful queens, to be caring and reliable wives and mothers

If you are missing one of them - there will be difficulties in the personal aspect. Also, you would often live in someone's shadow instead of having all your woman's power from the archetype.


What will we be doing?


First Webinar. The girl - techniques related to emotional intelligence. How to be a spoiled girl? How to unlock within yourself the ability to feel and to receive gifts? We will do some constellations and meditations related to the parents. We will connect with our vulnerability and we will become princesses for our men.

We will work on how to open up our hearts and how to be more outgoing in our lives.

Second webinar. The lover - techniques and practices for swirling sexual energy. Breathing tantra practices. Techniques of experienced lovers. How to enchant men in bed? How to unlock your sexuality? What can you do so that you alone are the lover of your own man and to make him only want you. A strategy for cheating, from the point of view of the lover and the wife. How to rediscover and love your body.

Third webinar. The queen - how to have independence and money? How to attract money into your life? What will help you in being successful? Techniques for success. How to influence people? How to get respect from men? How to move forward after facing difficulties? How to develop your will and the ability to win? We will deal with provocative psychotherapy techniques that allow you to connect with your personal strength.

How to discover your mission and how to raise your price.

Forth webinar. Mother and wife - how to keep your man? The power of traditions and how to create traditions in your own family. Connecting with your roots. Creating new rules for the whole family. Healing constellations for the treatment of the whole family and transmission of the new program to the children.

Working with women and how to keep a man.

You can take the entire development program of 4 modules and develop the perfect woman within yourself. You can also only take archetypes that are not as developed within you.

The perfect woman webinar pack


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First Webinar. The girl


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Second webinar. The lover


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Third webinar. The queen


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Forth webinar. Mother and wife


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