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How to receive with ease in our relationships and in life

WAS Live 11th March 2021


HOST: Natalia Kobylkina


The capacity to receive is one of the most important ones in life.

The young child should receive tenderness, love, and care from his/her parents.

Parents should not burden the child with their problems.

Ideally, parents should unconditionally give their love, and the child just receives it. However, some parents often either can't give their love, or they are not in the capacity to give and, at the same time, they want many other things in exchange.

And then we realize, I am forbidden to receive, my requests burden my parents, and they will not love me, I only have to give!

Servants - they are children who, from their early age, have to take care of their brothers and sisters, even sometimes parents and people around them.

They then find partners who, as well, only expect to receive and do not know how to give, and they still do everything themselves.

At the same time, they feel ashamed and afraid even if someone wants to give them something. Even on a compliment, immediately they want to give something in return.

Like that progressively, people who do not know how to receive become a servant for their family, boss and others.

Is this treatable, and how?

Yes, it is a process, but treatment is possible!

We will go through a few steps:


  • The awareness that I am important and significant and have the right to be the child for my parents
  • Allowing yourself to receive without feeling guilty
  • Entering the flow of the universe (most people are either losers or achievers and do not know how to live in the flow)
  • Acceptance as a way of thinking and living
  • Ability to relax and unwind
  • Leaving the role of Servants and entering the flow of receiving
  • Meditation: Life in the flow

Bonus: How to receive from partners and where is the balance between giving and receiving

The seminar will help us get out of the pain and the inner prison Servant, giving you the freedom and strength to move forward in a new way.

You will free up a place of receiving in yourself, and miracles will begin to come on their own.

Allow yourself to get what you truly deserve!


Price: $99


How to receive with ease in our relationships and in life


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