How to attract successful friends in your life?
How to meet new people and develop friendships?
In Russia we say: Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.
And it is really like that. We are the average of the 7 people we communicate the most with.
When we develop and change, we often find ourselves completely alone because our old friends no longer meet our standards and the new ones have not yet been met.
- How to easily make new useful acquaintances without any worries?
- How can we avoid becoming a victim or being betrayed by friends?
- Why do we need friends and how to achieve balance between giving and receiving in a relationship?
- Toxic friends - how to eliminate these people from our life?
- Jealousy of others - how to protect ourselves from this?
- How to build a truly deep and working relationship in friendship?
- How to properly refuse and say “No” without feeling guilty or insulting others?
- Manipulation and anti-manipulation in the relationships with others
- How to react to criticism and if you have really made a mistake?
- The difference between a successful person and a person who only pretends it
- How to become a powerful person and be able to influence others? How to start communication and predispose others to your favor and to provoke quick trust?
- Teach your children by your personal example - show them how easily they can achieve goals and build the right environment.
Presenter: Natalia Kobylkina
Price: $57
Package price with the webinar Personal efficiency: $138