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Foundation course on Vedic Astrology

by Himanshu


Live sessions, which will be recorded, so you can watch them whenever you want! 

Price - FULL PRICE $730

YOU CAN PAY IN INSTALLMENTS (4 payments for 4 months) - 4 payments each $250 every month (due to taxes and fees)(see below)

NOTE: Himanshu will be sending to your PayPal email address (the one that made the purchase) the files and links for the course after your purchase!






or pay one payment of $730 at the bottom of this page.

  1. Introduction to Vedic Astrology                                                                                                         (3 Hours)
    1. What is the difference between Vedic Astrology & Western Astrology?
  2. Deeper understanding of all 9 planets                                                                                              (6 Hours)

1.Sun, 2.Moon, 3.Mars, 4.Mercury, 5.Jupiter, 6.Venus, 7. Saturn,  8.Rāhu, 9. Ketu

  1. Rāśi – The 12 Zodiac Signs                                                                                                                   (8 Hours)
  2. The houses – Bhāva – in-depth understanding                                                                                (12 Hours)
  3. Elements – Tattvas                                                                                                                                (2 Hours)
  4. Aspects                                                                                                                                                      (4 Hours)
    1. Rāśi ( Aspects by signs)
    2. Graha ( Planetary Aspect)
    3. Conjunction ( Influence of conjunction on aspects)
  5. House significators – bhāva Kāraka                                                                                                   (2 Hours)
  6. Planetary States and Relationships                                                                                                    (15 Hours)
    1. Natural and Temporary (Tātkālika) Relationship
    2. Planets in friendly signs
    3. Planets in enemy signs
    4. Exaltation and debilitation
    5. Retrograde Planets
    6. Combustion
    7. Planetary War
  7. House Analysis                                                                                                                                       (15 Hours)
    1. Natural Benefic occupying a house
    2. Natural Malefic occupying the house
    3. Effects of different Planets in different Rāśi
    4. Effects of different Planets in different Bhāva
    5. Effects of different Bhava Lords in different Rāśi
    6. Effect of different Bhava Lords in different Bhāva
  8. Introduction to pañcāṅga                                                                                                                    (2 Hours)
  9. How to read charts – predictive techniques                                                                                    (4 Hours)
  10. Solar Return (Varṣaphala)                                                                                                                    (5 Hours)
    1. Introduction
    2. Annual Chart
    3. Muntha
    4. Planetary Strengths
    5. Lord of the Year (Varshesha)
    6. Annual Chart Analysis
  11. Timing of Events - Daśā System                                                                                                          (5 Hours)
    1. Introduction to Daśā Systems
    2. Vimshottari Daśā Basics
    3. General Results of Vimshottari Daśā
    4. Modified Results of Vimshottari Daśā
    5. Vimshottari Daśā & Important Events
  12. Timing of Events by Transit                                                                                                                 (6 Hours)
    1. Transit Basics
    2. Transit Results from Natal Moon
    3. Important Transit Periods
    4. Timing of Events
  13. Introduction to Vargas- Divisional Charts                                                                                        (10 Hours)
    1.  Navāṁśa - (Deep Analysis of  marriage and relationship )
    2. Dasāṁśa- (Deep Analysis of Career & Profession)
    3. Spirituality, Children, Education and past life
    4. Heath analysis
  14. Introduction to Nakshatras – The 27 Constellation                                                                       (8 Hours)
  15. Combinations – Yogas                                                                                                                          (6 Hours)
  16. Mastering of Nodes                                                                                                                              (4 Hours)
  17. Miscellaneous Topics                                                                                                                            (5 Hours)


Foundation course on Vedic Astrology


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