Foundation course on Vedic Astrology
by Himanshu
Live sessions, which will be recorded, so you can watch them whenever you want!
Price - FULL PRICE $730
YOU CAN PAY IN INSTALLMENTS (4 payments for 4 months) - 4 payments each $250 every month (due to taxes and fees)(see below)
NOTE: Himanshu will be sending to your PayPal email address (the one that made the purchase) the files and links for the course after your purchase!
or pay one payment of $730 at the bottom of this page.
- Introduction to Vedic Astrology (3 Hours)
- What is the difference between Vedic Astrology & Western Astrology?
- Deeper understanding of all 9 planets (6 Hours)
1.Sun, 2.Moon, 3.Mars, 4.Mercury, 5.Jupiter, 6.Venus, 7. Saturn, 8.Rāhu, 9. Ketu
- Rāśi – The 12 Zodiac Signs (8 Hours)
- The houses – Bhāva – in-depth understanding (12 Hours)
- Elements – Tattvas (2 Hours)
- Aspects (4 Hours)
- Rāśi ( Aspects by signs)
- Graha ( Planetary Aspect)
- Conjunction ( Influence of conjunction on aspects)
- House significators – bhāva Kāraka (2 Hours)
- Planetary States and Relationships (15 Hours)
- Natural and Temporary (Tātkālika) Relationship
- Planets in friendly signs
- Planets in enemy signs
- Exaltation and debilitation
- Retrograde Planets
- Combustion
- Planetary War
- House Analysis (15 Hours)
- Natural Benefic occupying a house
- Natural Malefic occupying the house
- Effects of different Planets in different Rāśi
- Effects of different Planets in different Bhāva
- Effects of different Bhava Lords in different Rāśi
- Effect of different Bhava Lords in different Bhāva
- Introduction to pañcāṅga (2 Hours)
- How to read charts – predictive techniques (4 Hours)
- Solar Return (Varṣaphala) (5 Hours)
- Introduction
- Annual Chart
- Muntha
- Planetary Strengths
- Lord of the Year (Varshesha)
- Annual Chart Analysis
- Timing of Events - Daśā System (5 Hours)
- Introduction to Daśā Systems
- Vimshottari Daśā Basics
- General Results of Vimshottari Daśā
- Modified Results of Vimshottari Daśā
- Vimshottari Daśā & Important Events
- Timing of Events by Transit (6 Hours)
- Transit Basics
- Transit Results from Natal Moon
- Important Transit Periods
- Timing of Events
- Introduction to Vargas- Divisional Charts (10 Hours)
- Navāṁśa - (Deep Analysis of marriage and relationship )
- Dasāṁśa- (Deep Analysis of Career & Profession)
- Spirituality, Children, Education and past life
- Heath analysis
- Introduction to Nakshatras – The 27 Constellation (8 Hours)
- Combinations – Yogas (6 Hours)
- Mastering of Nodes (4 Hours)
- Miscellaneous Topics (5 Hours)