4 hour webinar with Viktor
Are planets in detriment and fall really bad?
In this workshop we will examine planets in fall and detriment to see their impact on our lives and see how we can work with them.
Planets in fall and detriment are considered to be malefic as planets can not express their energy to the fullest, but we can use them for our benefit.
I will work you through how to use them as a " remedy" in our lives.
Each of your house has a planet which holds that area of life back!
For example, in my chart the 7th house is kept in detriment by Moon.
If I want to heal that area of life then I need to focus on Moon.
It is different for everyone.
This webinat won't talk to you about crystals and stones to wear and so forth. We will be looking at the psychological meaning of them.
What will we cover?
- each planet in their detriment and fall position and why
- how to see what is holding back a particular area of life
You need to have an understanding over signs, houses and planetary meanings.
This workshop is 3h and 46 minutes long
IF BOUGHT IN A PACKAGE WITH Cazimi / Planets in Detriment / Planetary Joy webinars by Viktor
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