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What is the Colour of Your Name? Find Out!
Fun Astrology
What is the Colour of Your Name? Find Out!Add the numbers of all the letters of your first name and then reduce them to one number. For example: Lolita=3+6+3+9+2+1=24=2+4=6 Indigo A, J, S – 1 Red B, K, T – 2 Orange C, L, U – 3 Yellow D, M, V – 4 Green E, N, W – 5 Blue F, O, X – 6 Indigo G, P, Y – 7 Purple H, Q, Z – 8 Pink I, R – 9 9 Gold 1. Red:Very gentle and well-meaning individuals, willing to do anything for their family. These people are not able to hurt a fly because they have a huge heart. Undoubtedly, these are the most loyal friends, and anyone who knows them can tell you that. 2. Orange: Incredible balance between mind and body - these people have exceptional charm and yet are incredibly smart and resourceful ...
Fun Astrology
Baby Astrology. The 12 Baby sign! ARIES baby "Everything is so exciting!" TAURUS baby   “First eat, then rest!”   <   GEMINI baby   "Shame, I had no Wi Fi in mommy's belly"     CANCER baby   "That's right, smother me with love!"     LEO baby   “It's so much fun bossing you around!"     VIRGO baby “"Never too early to start yoga"   LIBRA baby "Vogue, I am coming, wait for me!"   SCORPIO baby ""I might be cute now, but wait till I grow teeth and can bite back!!"   SAGITTARIUS baby "It's all right! Don't worry, be happy!"     CAPRICORN baby "I might look young, but my soul is old. We used to have more class in the old days"   AQUARIUS Baby "I come in peace! My soul ...
Baby Astrology. The 12 Baby sign!
2 Letter Word For Each Zodiac Sign
Fun Astrology
2 Letter Word For Each Zodiac SignAries: ME Taurus: MY Gemini: IF Cancer: MA Leo: AM Virgo: DO Libra: OR Scorpio: US Sagittarius: GO Capricorn: NO Aquarius: WE PISCES: BE or OM
Fun Astrology
How Each Sign Reacts to Near Death ExperiencesARIES What Aries sees: Aries sees a bright white wall. His Astral body immediately charges towards it with its horns! The wall moves away and Aries finds himself in a luscious green field, full of noble and beautiful souls in white clothes. How Aries reacts: What is happening here? Who is the boss? I would like to meet God! What, I have to wait for my turn!? No, no, you don’t understand! I am in a hurry! I am dead? Seriously?! I never imagined this could happen to me! Excuse me, excuse me, who is giving the halos here? Back in the body: I knew it! I am number one—I overcame Death!   TAURUS What Taurus sees: Taurus is flowing through a white corridor-over his head there is a white light ...
How Each Sign Reacts to Near Death Experiences
How Each Sign Sails Through the
Fun Astrology
How Each Sign Sails Through the "Ocean of Life"Written by Master Astrologer Mariana, To check her Services click here:   ARIES Am I the first one to arrive? Great! Life is boat race and I shall win it--it is my nature and calling! The ocean is infinite! I will rest for a bit on this exotic island, full of temptations and then I am off again to win the race and explore new territories! Don't think you can catch up with me!   TAURUS I am heading off on a luxury cruise, as soon as I pack my 20 suitcases! Where is my luxury yacht? I am not leaving anywhere without it! If you cannot provide it to me, I will save money till I can afford it! I need to feel comfortable and safe when I sail ...
Fun Astrology
Best Massage Treatments for Each SignARIES  Aries accumulates most stress around the head area due constantly having million ideas and thoughts. The most healing and enjoyable massage for Aries is the head massage of any sort-put special focus on the forehead and the temple area. Shirodhara-the slow dripping of oil on the third eye in the middle of the forehead is especially calming for Aries.   TAURUS Taurus Invented massages! No one relishes the healing influence of human touch as much as the tactile Taurus! When Taurus is stressed, the tension goes to their neck and facial area. Taurus benefit most from slow and deep neck and face massages. Aromatherpy massages relaxed Taurus GEMINI  Gemini rules the upper shoulders ...
Best Massage Treatments for Each Sign
Ages of the Zodiac Signs
Fun Astrology
Ages of the Zodiac SignsEach sign corresponds to a Human Age. Our celebrity Astrologer Mariana has prepared this fun and enjoyable article for you! To see Mariana's profile and services, CLICK HERE ARIES is the newborn of the zodiac. It thinks like this “I am not afraid of anything, I am most important and can wrap everyone around my finger! I only need to start crying louder and adults will fulfill my desire!” TAURUS is the little child of the zodiac. This is how it thinks: “these are My mom and dad and I want them to cuddle me and pay me more attention! If they want me to be happy and get some peace they better buy me more toys! Everything is mine-I don’t give it to anyone!” GEMINI is the toddler ...
Fun Astrology
How Does Each Sign React During ArgumentsAries When there is an argument, Aries wants an immediate explanation and fast resolution of the problem. They can put all the blame on you even if it is not yours. After they calm down, they can generously declare it was their fault after all!   Taurus They hope that everything will be resolved on its own. If you start attacking them too much, you can make them burst out and it will be like a train coming your way! It will take them a long time to get angry but once upset it will take them even longer to calm down! It will be best to talk about the problem with them after 2-3 days have passed.   Gemini During an argument, Gemini will want to escape. They can leave the room or do something ...
How Does Each Sign React During Arguments
How Would the Morning Go, if the 12 Signs were Living Together!
Fun Astrology
How Would the Morning Go, if the 12 Signs were Living Together!6:00 am Virgo takes a shows, scrubs the bath, washes his teeth and puts the tooth brush in a special sterilizing container away from all the other tooth brushes. 6:15 am Capricorn wakes up and switches off the boiler. The daytime expensive tariff electricity has started, after all! 6:20 am Aquarius wakes up and goes for a morning run 6:30 am Leo and Libra are in front of the mirror, fighting for the moisturizer and hair gel 6:40 am Taurus is having breakfast - Nutella with a spoon 6:45 am Sagittarius wakes up and switches on the boiler again 7:00 am Cancer is making sandwiches while Virgo is squeezing fresh fruit juice. Gemini is still in bed checking his emails, Facebook, Twitter and ...
Fun Astrology
What is Your Japanese Astrology SignsCherry Blossom (15th February till 20th of March) These people are energetic and charged with a lot of positive energy. They do not wait for the “right moment” to initiate, they act impulsively. Sometimes they suffer on account of their doubts towards close people. Sun (21st March to 29th April) Absolute idealists! These people are guided by two things - wisdom and beauty. Honest and responsible, they uphold justice They hate lies and hypocrisy. Wonderful colleagues and friends. Bamboo (30 April -04 June) These people are able to adapt to all conditions.They are open to the world and people.Enjoy many friends. Rice Paddy (June 5 to July 6) People born under this sign eventually achieve great ...
What is Your Japanese Astrology Signs
What Annoys Each Sign Most
Fun Astrology
What Annoys Each Sign Most Aries Aries cannot stand people who try to set the tone in their life! Aries hate intrusiveness. Do not call Aries periodically reminding them the date and time of your meeting, do not push Aries or give them ultimatums-they alone will decide when to see you! Aries hates: People who complain and feel for sorry for themselves a lot! Aries believes in self empowerment!! Bossy attitude-if you try to act this with an Aries, you first need to barricade yourself! Fakeness, Uptightness-Aries believe that everything Nature gives us, should be nurtured and displayed, so never pretend with them! People who hurt those weaker than them-Aries have a heightened sense of fairness and protective instincts ...
Fun Astrology
The Signs and Their Choice of AlcoholWho doesn’t love a strong drink from time to time!? Each person has an affinity to a beloved poison of choice. But here are some cheeky observations and musings of mine categorizing the drinking styles and preferences, according to the 12 star signs. Aries                                                                                                                                                                                   ...
The Signs and Their Choice of Alcohol
Astro Holidays
Fun Astrology
Astro HolidaysAstro Holidays It is late summer, I am sipping my green tea and laying by the pool on a magical island. But being a restless Aries, I can not stay inactive for long. Why not write an article on how the different signs spend their holidays?! I have the perfect inspiration! Here is the first of three articles. Aries Aries will be the ones up earliest in the morning, all excited about the adventures of the day ahead. They will wake up the rest unceremoniously and start goading the slower ones to hurry up as there are so many things to do and see! Initial resistance from the rest of the group will quickly disappear, as the Aries enthusiasm is contagious. They might try and push everyone into doing ...
Fun Astrology
Role Playing and Halloween Suggestions for the SignsAries Sexy Aries can not help but show off their hotness! Discreetness is not their forte! They will go as brash and loud as possible and stir up passions. Their favorite colour-red will definitely be part of the outfit! A dare devil attitude coupled with two little horns and a tail and you can bet you have an Aries! When the temperature around them gets higher, who better but a strong, muscular fireman to cool the hot ladies down! All Super Hero, Warrior and military costumes are also ideal for them as their planet Mars rules wars, sports and strength! Taurus This is the earthiest sign of all. The most organic, natural and rich of all. It immediately brings to mind Mother Earth-a lady dressed ...
Role Playing and Halloween Suggestions for the Signs
Days of the Week
Fun Astrology
Days of the WeekThe wise ancient prophets saw that each day of the week is energetically connected to one of the seven observable planets. They recommended certain activities and behavior that corresponded to the influences of the day. This increased the chances of success and harmonious completion. Depending which day of the week you were born on, you embodied its specific planetary qualities. According to ancient tradition, the day starts with the sunrise and continues till the next one, it does not change at midnight as we are used to calculating it. So if it says on your birth certificate that you were born on Saturday at 4 am, then you should consider yourself a Friday baby, unless the sun has risen already ...