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Mercury in Gemini. Your Thinking and Skills

Mercury in Gemini. Your Thinking and Skills
Here in the sign of its rulership Mercury is strongly placed, implying an agile mind and one open to new ideas and experimentation. What the individual may lack in conviction and staying power can be more than compensated for by verbal and mental dexterity. Opinions will be less swayed by moral bias and more influenced by facts. Curious and easily bored, this individual has the capacity to process a great deal of stimuli at the same time. They can multitask. Typically the individual will be a great talker and always on the go, dashing from A to B, thinking on their feet and talking with their hands. This will be the person who will read anything and listen to anybody. There is a need to sample as many ideas as possible. There can be liking and skill for cross words and work and card games. They are fast learners and usually very articulate in expressing their thoughts. Writing skills are often present and a witty sense of humor. Friendships are diverse, interesting and multiple.

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