Celebrity Astrology
Do you know how to determine the money potential in your birth chartDo you know that you might be actually having a millionaire natal chart although you are experiencing financial difficulties at the moment? Yes, 2020 has been the most difficult and stressful year we have ever experienced. Lots of people lost their lives. Lots of people lost their jobs and were struggling feeding their families. Lots of businesses were blocked and lots of people lost money. We are also on the threshold of a big financial crash of the Dollar as soon as next year when Uranus in Taurus square Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. But if you are granted financial opportunities at the time of your birth, you will at least know that this hard times are temporary for you and they ...
Celebrity Astrology
Gwen and Blake Love CompatibilityA Quick Astrology Compatibility They are all over the news! The sparks started flying around as soon as they met-love from first sign, you can say! Gwen Stefani has no doubts Blake Shelton is the one for her. Five months after the Grammy winner, connected with the country star, on the set of The Voice, “she’s head over heels,” and they both not afraid to show it! Now let's look what attracted them to each other! The first thing which popped up at me was that They have Rahu Moon Conjunction! This is one of the most powerful and connecting synastry aspects! It can create instant attraction, a powerful sexual desire (Rahu) and a sense of craving each other emotionally and physically! They ...
Celebrity Astrology
Princess Charlotte's HoroscopeJust a quick look at her horoscope and fate: Princess Charlotte was born Venus was just rising on the Easter horizon, which makes Venus her strongest and most important planet. We can say that Venus will be her guardian angel. Venus is the planet of beauty and being so close to her her Ascendant (physical appearance) it leaves no doubt that this little baby will be stunner!! Venus also grands its people a lot of diplomacy, charm and ability to sooth and calm others down just through sheer loveliness! Venus will also be responsible for her career-so the little one will be either in something artistic and creative (12th house-imagination) or in speaking about/bringing awareness (gemini) about ...
Celebrity Astrology
What do Madonna, Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus Have in Common Astrologically?All these 3 power ladies of the music industry have the same combination: Moon conjunct Pluto in their horoscopes. Â Â Moon rules music. In the charts of women also how they express their femininity. Pluto is the planet of power(being powerful or being overpowered, manipulated) our dark side and our sexuality. The 3 artists express their femininity(Moon) in a highly sexualised way. Madonna was the pioneer, so to speak(Moon and Pluto in the 1st house of self-empowerment) while Miley has this combo in the 7th house (the public, others, giving power away)(we have no time of birth for Lady Gaga) Madonna did it as a way of self empowerment, while Miley seems to be doing it for "the audiences ...
Celebrity Astrology
What The 3 Best Selling Musicians of all Time Have in Common Astrologically? The 3 of them have Moon in Pisces!! Why is the Moon so important for any artists? Because the Moon rules music. The Moon symbolises our feelings, and music is what evokes the most powerful emotional reactions from us Pisces is the most magical, soulful and captivating sign, but also the most all-embracing and inclusive-hence the popular appeal and universal influence on most people these 3 musicians had. Pisces is a sign of transcending reality, and these 3 artists's music takes a listener to another realm. A Pisces Moon music reaches right inside us, rolls past individual boundaries, awakens feelings we didn't know we had, gets under our skin. This explains their universal and heart felt appeal ...
Celebrity Astrology
Prince William and Duchess Kate-It was Written in the Stars! Let's check Prince William's horoscope and see how his wife is described perfectly there. The first wife/life partner is showed by the 7th house, its ruler and planets in the 7th house. He has Gemini--a very youthful sign on the 7th house-people with Gemini or Mercury in the 7th house usually tend to marry younger--before 30 or marry someone younger (below 30)-do not forget that he's been with Kate since Uni. Gemini also rules studying, hence they met while studying. Gemini describes someone who is slim, with less curvy shapes but well proportioned. Mercury, the lord of his 7th house, is on the cusp of the 6th house--6th house rules servants or people with a lower social standing than the ...
Celebrity Astrology
Robin Williams. Astrology Perspective.Robin William ;s most important planetary positions were all in water-the Ascendant Sun and Moon in Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces respectively. The water signs are feeling signs, they are highly everything passes through their feelings. Kurt Cobain was also all water signs!! But it does not mean all people with water sign are going to be susceptible to depression or addictions. I will not bore you with details but he has the classic and most potent combination for addictions-Moon conjunct Rahu. He was struggling for years with alcohol and drug dependancy, as his horoscope shows, due to the Demonic Rahu planet being with his Moon(emotions). This creates huge mood swings and roller coaster feelings ...
Celebrity Astrology
Miley Cyrus. Quick Astrology LookMiley has the Lady Gaga combo of Moon with Pluto in Scorpio. This means that she is very attracted to the dark and taboo side mixed with a bit of a cheeky and playful tones due to Mercury being part of the Moon Scorpio Mixture! She is susceptible to the dark side and the extreme! These fall in her 7th house of audience and popularity so she is making her name though forbidden and sexually explicit behaviours, trying to break taboos and she appeals to people ;s lower or unconscious desires. But this is also a combo for powerful transformations so her image will keep changing and she will experience some deep personal crises and reversals which can later make her do some impactful and meaningful ...
Celebrity Astrology
Gerald Butler. Quick Astro SnapshotThis is definitely someone more private, deep, intense and even introverted when it comes to his personal life as most of his planets are below the horizon and 3 planets are in the secretive and private sign of Scorpio. He does have desire for a settled life and family however unbelievable this might sound, because of 3 planets in the 2nd house of settling. But because they are in the sign of reversals(scorpio), the path to there can be filled with many sudden changes and vicissitudes. So ultimate security he desires in family, might be hard to keep. In regards to love he will settled later in life because his Venus (love, women) has an aspect from Saturn (delays, difficulties) He will first ...
Celebrity Astrology
Kurt Cobain Snapshot Astrology HoroscopeKurt is one of these rare people who have all their important planets in water signs. Water is the element of feelings, imagination and the inner/invisible worlds. He had deep vivid feelings, imagination and was powerfully perceptive and impressionable. Hence his amazing skill for impactful soul touching music. Inspiration was just flowing for him. He has a Grand Trine and Kite in water and earth, which is the most creative possible combination. He also had the powerful combination of Moon with Jupiter which some of the best writers, lyricists have. But all of his water planets are in the kama houses, which are desire houses--which means he was not only dedicated to following his inspiration ...
Celebrity Astrology
Bill Gates Horoscope. Wealth IndicationsThere are certain combinations which bring Greatness in life, These are called Raj Yogas in Vedic Astrology and are made from combinations of Angular and Trinal sign Ruling planets. It is rare for a person to even have one such in the horoscope without it being blocked or stained in some way. But Bill Gates has 3 such Greatness Combinations. Lord 1 in 10th, Lord of 10th and 5th in the 4th, and Lord 1 and Lord 10th in mutual aspect. What does a Greatness yoga indicate? That such a person acts from inspiration, is basically following their bliss and the Divine inspirations they receive. Many person receives such(if they have Raj yogas-but most of these Greatness Yogas are blocked through "enemy ...
Celebrity Astrology
Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. The Astrology of the Break Up.Well let us look into their relationship with the ancient Sanskrit compatibility system which I offer as a report. There are 4 big blemishes any of which can ruin a relationship in the long run, the more of these we have the faster a relationship runs its course due to too much stress and friction it creates between a couple. Out of these 4, 3 are great: no outer Obstacle which can block them from being together, no reversals of roles which leads to lack of respect, no incompatible needs-meaning they are on the same wavelength. But they have one of the most painful blemishes between their horoscope, called: “Misfortunes” in my report or also a Karmic Rope. The result of this blemish is that ...
Celebrity Astrology
Royal Baby-Prince George Horoscope and FateThe first thing which strikes us with the new baby, is that most of the planets in his horoscope are in situated with the 8th house cusp of psychology, secrets and occult powers. This child will possess an astounding ability to tap into the psychology and inner motives of others-there will be no lying to him, and he will have almost mesmeric and penetrating influence on those in his presence-a very Scorpionic energy-sexy, mysterious, quietly powerful. In worst case such people can be very manipulative, destructive and power driven, in best case they can be healers, transformers of the lower impulses of others, helpers in times of huge wordly changes and cataclisms and have astral abilities(astral ...
Celebrity Astrology
Angie's Mastectomy Shows in her HoroscopeFirst of all we need to see if there are any indications of her breast ever being affected in her life? The breasts are represented by the Moon(the mother, the nurturer) 4th house, and planets in the sign of Cancer. In her chart the Moon is with Mars, which rules invasive operations, knifes, cutting, accidents, damage. And in it is opposed by Pluto-the planet of total transformation, surgeries, annihilation, mutation, plus another difficult aspect from Saturn-the Great malefic, which is also connected to malignancy. Pretty battered Moon as we can see, aspected difficultly by most of the baddies as we call them in astrology! Pluto and Saturn both are connected to malignancy and mutations in the ...
Celebrity Astrology
The Mind of a Genius: Nikola Tesla’s HoroscopeTesla had an extremely acute sense of hearing and sight and power of visualization so vivid as to mimic reality. He used to say that his inspirations and inventions would come to him in a flash fully ready. Tesla: âWhen an idea presents itself it is, as a rule, crude and imperfect. Birth, growth and development are phases normal and natural. It was different with my invention. In the very moment I became conscious of it, I saw it fully developed and perfectedâ, âthe idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed⦠The images I saw were wonderfully sharp and clear and had the solidity of metal and stoneâ He also had an amazing ability to ...
Celebrity Astrology
Kim and Kanye CompatibilityI first go to the Relationship Compatibility report and enter their details. This compatibility will show us the major and most important factors between Kim and Kanye which will either make or break the relationship. There are 5 big blemishes which can exist between a couple. If even one of these exists, it can make the relationship more challenging. The first and most irreparable is the so called “Obstacle” which, if present between their horoscope, will make it impossible for them to be together-it will just so happen they never meet at the right time, are never single together at the right time or even if they do, they would not be able to keep the relationship longer than a year, at ...
Celebrity Astrology
Heff and Crystal-Astrology AnalysisI will confess I was hooked on Girls of the Playboy mansion! One needs to indulge in some unspiritual treats! ;) So when I just learned that Hugh was engaged to Crystal I immediately decided to check their astrological influences for the current moment. I expected it to be some pretty powerful, once in a life time transit, because Hugh has been known to have so many cuddly blonde and golden girlfriends who wanted to marry him, even in his 80-ties, but he kept being adamant, until Crystal came! Fist one of many, she eventually managed to grab his heart despite their 60 year age gap, and this is the second time they are engaged within the last 1.5 years. So let us open the astrological charts ...
Celebrity Astrology
Why It Did Not Work Between Demi and Ashton?Weren't we all surprised when one of Hollywood's golden couples split up?! I was, because they always looked so happy and supportive of each other! We never saw any ugly scene hinting at a shaky relationship. And it was not shaky! When I checked their compatibility with my Relationship Report it was perfect! They have a proper flow of energy- from the male to the female: so he was the one initiating and leading therefore he felt respected and she felt loved and cherished due to the fact that he was always thinking first of her needs and the relationship. They have no "obstacles" or "misfortunes"(all these compatibility factors are covered by my relationship report and are based on ancient astrological ...